Wednesday, April 4, 2007


The text for the second one: -sigh- He's so mysterious, so unGoogleable (I don't know if this is translated correctly)

Two cartoons I recently made for the newspaper. I always make them up while doing something else. When I sit down and try to think one up, it's almost always a failure. Maybe you think that these ones suck too. Maybe I'll think that one day, but for now I like 'm!


  1. I like 'em too Roel! I especially think that the one with Bush is a clever concept.

  2. They don't suck; they are the living proof a joke made up is (often) not as good as one that presents itself. (Your -funny- 'guardian angel' did too?)

  3. Thank you Peter. In fact I dreamed the guardian angel. The text presented itself later to me. When I used to hear artists about how an idea 'came' to them, I considered to be too mystical or even utter bullshit. But it's true, you just need the right tools to catch the ideas.
